

發布日期 : 2022-09-06
聯絡電話:02-2732-1104 分機
大同大學資訊經營學系 助理教授
智炬科技 大數據顧問
大同世界科技 大數據顧問
大同世界科技 董事長特助
味全食品公司 行銷企劃
  1. Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang (2022, Dec). Virtual tourism atmospheres: The effects of pleasure, arousal, and dominance on the acceptance of virtual tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management , Volume 53, 143-152. (SSCI, 15/129,Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management). 本人為第一作者.
  2. Li-Keng Cheng (2022, Nov). Effects of service robots' anthropomorphism on consumers' attribution toward and forgiveness of service failure. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Published Online. (Accepted). (SSCI, 79/298,Social Psychology). nstc 111-2410-H-152-031-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  3. Hsien-Long Huang, Li-Keng Cheng (2022, May). Predicting intention of residential solar installation: The role of ecological lifestyle, consumer innovativeness, perceived benefit, government incentives, and solar product knowledge. Energy & Environment, Published Online. (SSCI, 64/161,Environmental Engineering). 本人為通訊作者. SSCI, 2021 Impact factor=2.945.
  4. Li-Keng Cheng (2022, Jan). The effects of smartphone assistants' anthropomorphism on consumers' psychological ownership and perceived competence of smartphone assistants. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Published Online. (SSCI, 79/298,Social Psychology). MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  5. Li-Keng Cheng, Hsien-Long Huang, Shou-Yu Yang (2021, Nov). Attitude toward 5G: The moderating effect of regulatory focus. Technology in Society, Published Online. (Accepted). (SSCI, 10 /110, Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary). 本人為第一作者.
  6. Li-Keng Cheng,Chung-Lin Toung, (2021, Oct). Are celebrities accountable for the misconduct of their fans?. Psychology & Marketing, 39, 2, 402-419. MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  7. Hsien-Long Huang,Li-Keng Cheng,Pi-Chuan Sun,Yi Shiuan Jiang,Hsin Hua Lin (2021, Apr). Relationship among social tactics, job embeddedness, and affective commitment in newcomers: the moderating effect of workplace spirituality. Journal of Management & Organization. (Accepted). (SSCI, 151/226). 本人為通訊作者.
  8. Cheng, Li-Keng, Hsien-Long Huang, and Ching-Chi Lai (2021, Mar). Continuance Intention in Running Apps: The Moderating Effect of Relationship Norms. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship. (Accepted). (SSCI). 本人為第一作者.
  9. Hsien-Long Huang,Li-Keng Cheng,Pi-Chuan Sun,Szu-Jung Chou (2021, Feb). The Effects of Perceived Identity Threat and Realistic Threat on the Negative Attitudes and Usage Intentions Toward Hotel Service Robots: The Moderating Effect of the Robot’s Anthropomorphism. International Journal of Social Robotics. (SCIE). 本人為通訊作者.
  10. Cheng, Li-Keng; Toung, Chung-Lin (2020, Dec). More Fluency of the Mental Imagery, More Effective?. Journal of Social Marketing, 11(1), 1-24. (SSCI, 107/152, BUSINESS). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  11. Chih-Wei Lin; Li-Keng Cheng; Lei-Yu Wu (2020, Jun). Roles of strategic orientations in radical product innovation. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(1), 33-47. (SSCI, 96/152). 本人為通訊作者.
  12. 蘇威傑、成力庚(2021年01月)。綠色產品資訊一定增加購買意願嗎?以輕忽道德與綠色知曉的調節式中介效果為例。管理評論,40(1)。本人為通訊作者。
  13. 陳鴻裕、成力庚(2019年04月)。大同世界科技物聯網與車聯網發展: 經驗與未來展望。土木水利會刊,Vol.42 (2),pp. 59-65。本人為通訊作者。
  1. Li-Keng Cheng (2023,August ). Should I Choose a Human Financial Advisor or a Robo-Advisor?. 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference, August 4-6, 2023, San Francisco.
  2. Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung (2023,February ). When “my own” brand is attacked. 2023 AMA Winter Academic Conference. February 10-12, 2023, Nashville. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  3. 張若羚、成力庚(2022 年 12 月 9 日)。後疫情時代下數位科技對學習的影響〔研討會演講〕。TAECT2022國際學術研討會,台北市,台灣。
  4. Li-Keng Cheng, Chung-Lin Toung, Siang-Yi Li, Chen Pinting (2021, Aug). Can celebrity be liable for fans' misbehavior?. 2021 AMA Summer Academic Conference, virtual event. MOST 109-2410-H-152-033-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  5. Li-Keng Cheng, Hong-Wei Liao, Pei-Yu Chen (2020, Nov). Service Robot’s Anthropomorphism Levels and the Attribution effect in Service Failure. 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference, virtual event. MOST 109-2410-H-036-003-MY2. (本人為第一作者、通訊作者).
  6. Li-Keng Cheng and Yi-Shan Lin (2019, Nov). Effect of Nostalgic Advertising on Psychological Ownership and Purchase Intention: Moderating Effect of Consumers’ Subjective Knowledge. 2020 Winter AMA, San Diego, CA. MOST 108-2410-H-036-001. (本人為第一作者、通訊作者).
  7. Bei, L.-T., Cheng, Li Keng (2019, July). Effects of Egoism on Service Failure Recovery. American Marketing Association CBSIG (AMA CBSIG 2019), July 5-7, Bern, Switzerland.
  8. Tang, Kwei, Cheng, Li Keng, Yang,Wei-Hao (2018, Nov). Effects of Attribute Alignability on User-Generated Product Reviews. 49th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI 2018), Novemner 17-19, Chicago, Illinois.
  9. Bei, L.-T., Cheng, L.-K (2018, Oct). The Effects of Subjective Knowledge and Naïve Theory on Consumers' Inference of Missing Information. Competitive Paper of the Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR 2018), October 11-14, 2018, Dallas, TX.
  10. Bei, L.-T., Cheng, L.-K., Hsu, W.-C. & Chen, Y. (2017, Oct). Neuroscience viewpoint on the interaction effect between persuasive arguments and celebrity on attitude change. Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR 2017), October 26-29, 2017, San Diego, California.
  11. 別蓮蒂, 成力庚,主觀產品知識與素樸理論對產品資訊中遺漏訊息推論的影響,管理學報「新環境趨勢下的消費行為與行銷策略」特刊研討會,2017年6月2日,政治大學。
  12. Lien-Ti Bei, Li-Keng Cheng, Yu-Shan Athena Chen, Wei-Hao Yang, and Wei-Chin Hsu (2015, Nov). The Neuroscience Viewpoint on Comparing Elaboration Likelihood Model and Heuristic and Systematic Mode, Symposium for Integrated Imaging of Body, Mind and Culture & 2015 Forum of MOST Research Projects on Brain Imaging for Mind Science, Taipei, Taiwan.
  1. 夥伴或是僕人? 聊天機器人的地位對會員忠誠方案接受度與口碑分享的影響 : 支配感受與權力距離信念的中介效果,(111-2410-H-152-031-MY3),科技部2022/08/01~2025/07/31,計畫主持人。
  2. 智慧型手機AI助理的擬人化程度對消費者服務滿意度與服務失敗原諒的影響: 心理所有權及歸因的中介效果與關係規範的調節效果(109-2410-H-036-003-MY2),科技部2020/08/01~2022/07/31,計畫主持人。
  3. 簡則論點對消費者思考推敲程度及品牌延伸的影響效果(108-2410-H-036-001-),科技部2019/08/01~2020/07/31,計畫主持人。